Unleashing Women Power at Battle Under the Stars Strongman Competition

You know when you go to a sporting event and you can FEEL the energy and excitement the minute you walk through the door and at the end of the night there’s always the spectators that are super excited that their team won, and then there are those that are so sad and bummed out and they drag you down? THIS EVENT was not like that. The energy and happiness only grew as the day went on and at the end everyone was excited about what they had accomplished and even more excited about what they witnessed. Every single one of the women competitors WON and accomplished something that day.

Deadlift and Truck pull charity event to fight cancer

Manteca, California | Event photography I am lucky to be able to give back to the community through my event photography and even luckier to know people who put on awesome events to raise funds for great causes like the fight against cancer. The community really came together for this event to participate, volunteer and […]

Maddie & Emie Birthday Celebration

Morgan Hill, California | Event photography Quinceañera photography has always had a special place in my heart. It’s a celebration filled with tradition and family. And I mean who doesn’t love cake and dancing too? But it’s even more special when the birthday girls are humans I seen grow up, since they were beans in […]

My adventures at Inbound 22 in Boston, MA

Inbound 2022, in Boston, MA, was inspiring this year. Some of the highlights were listening to President Barack Obama, Viola Davis and my childhood hero Jane Goodall.

As a lifelong learner, not just as a photographer or as a business owner but also for personal growth I enjoy conferences and workshops. I attended from a Marketing perspective to learn more about Hubspot, however I definitely walked away being truly inspired to learn more and continue to grow.

Check out the StrongMan-Woman competition | Branding Portraits

Letia Competes in The Beauty and the Beast StrongMan/Woman event in Hayward, California A while back I was honored to have Letia call me and ask if I would tag along for a StrongMan/Woman competition in Hayward, CA and shoot some branding content for her, but mainly document her journey. This event was a qualifying […]

It’s a Birthday Celebration in Yountville, CA

I am a huge advocate to the belief that a birthday deserves a CELEBRATION, especially when it’s a milestone birthday. If you are Latina then one of the biggest birthday celebration milestones of your life is your 15th birthday! And Latins know how to PARTY! If you don’t believe me check out the video at […]