Surviving & Thriving 2012: Celebrating Phenomenal Women
I had the honor of attending and photographing an amazing event a few weeks ago, for Surviving & Thriving. All proceeds went directly to support WOMAN, Inc and SFWAR! If you missed the event and would like to donate please contact one of these organizations directly through their page and let them know you heard […]
Just a day left!!
Thank you to everyone who has commented in my “Cans for Comments” drive. I am up to 20 cans!! You can still comment from now until the 25th. If you stop by please take a minute or two to go through and comment on any posting you like. Tell me a little about yourself, what […]
Cans for comments update.
Woo hoo! Today’s count is 13 comments = 13 cans towards feeding some people. Keep those comments coming! I love seeing that you stopped by in the form of a comment. 13 days left to comment. Spread the word I would love to donate 50 cans of food!! Thanks everyone! and since this is a […]
It’s really cold out!
Yes I know with high’s in the mid 50’s and a low of 32 I shouldn’t complain, it could be worse. However this California girl does not like the cold. If I had it my way it would be low 90’s every day & night all year round!!! If you agree with me wave your […]
Cans for Comments!
Hi everyone!It’s that time of the year where we are all running around like crazy, feeling happy and frazzled all at once thinking about all those people in our lives we would like to buy the perfect gift for. Unfortunately there are lots of people out there who don’t have anyone or worse if they […]