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Woo hoo! Today’s count is 13 comments = 13 cans towards feeding some people. Keep those comments coming! I love seeing that you stopped by in the form of a comment.

13 days left to comment. Spread the word I would love to donate 50 cans of food!!

Thanks everyone!

and since this is a photography blog:

I took the following image one day when it was nice and warm outside. I am really missing the sun and the warmth so I keep looking back at warmer pictures. And as much as I hate the cold & wet ( unless it consists of a darkroom and chemicals then I LOVE IT), this image reminds me what I have to look forward to.

What’s your favorite season and why? Mine is spring & summer for the above mentioned!!

this is the reason we need so much rain

~comments left on this post go toward the cans & comments event~