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Film Friday! More Springtime Love ..

If you follow my blog you already know that I love Polaroid film. You might also be aware that the company Polaroid decided to stop manufacturing this film in Feb 2008. Sadly it is quickly disappearing. There are still a few boxes left out there and they have quickly gone from $13 a box (10 […]

Film Friday: Happy Memorial Day!

Have a great weekend everyone! Get outside and enjoy the sun & all the beauty such as these two plants wildly growing outside of my house.

Film Friday – San Francisco Tourist attractions

Ok it’s really Saturday morning. But let’s pretend it’s Friday. 😉 Thursday I photographed an intimate San Francisco wedding. After the ceremony I played tourist a bit. These are just two images from that day. The first is a well known landmark. It’s huge and breathtaking. However it is not invincible. Back on September 11, […]

Film Friday + Sneak Peek = Coming soon…Wayne & Amy

I must start this post by saying… I LOVE MY JOB!!! If you follow me on twitter or facebook you already heard this a million times this week. If you don’t follow me yet– What are you waiting for?? ;-P This is such a super dooper sneak peek. I have tons of stuff to blog […]

A beautiful Sunset- Film Friday

I love surprise presents! Tuesday I had an absolutely amazing portrait session with the cutest little girl ever! It’s actually a surprise for her mom, so unfortunately I will not be able to post for a few weeks. But as soon as her mom gets her present I will post. As a present she will […]