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Baby Blues to make Frank Sinatra cry {San Francisco family portraits}

Fog rolled in, the ocean air nipping at us , and a family from another land with awesome accents and gorgeous eyes! Showing off their newest member of the family! {I love little fingers} It was a perfectly Perfect San Francisco day. Thank you for braving the cold kids! Mom “D” had the best laugh […]

Rocking family!

Little Miss “R” rocked it!!! And her parents didn’t fall far behind 😉 I love meeting clients who LOVE LOVE LOVE their children and are so loving and playful– But most importantly WHO LOVE LOVE LOVE each other!!! and aren’t afraid to show it! After all they are the reason their children are here 😉 […]

Family reunion! {San Francisco, Bay Area Photographer}

LOVE LOVE LOVE this session! WHY well because if you know anything about me I LOVE to travel and this family traveled the furthest of all my clients so far !!!! The above image is a collection of family spread across three countries!!! Ireland, England and the United States!!! See why I LOVED this session. […]

sneak peek

A family who traveled all the way from ALASKA to have me do their family portraits earlier this year!!! ok and visit some family here in the bay area.