Obama takes presidency. And since everyone else will be blogging & commenting about it.

I instead will play a game. So, here is how it works. You leave a comment on this post, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place or in my comments if you don’t have a blog. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on.

Also if you don’t want to be assigned a letter but want to leave a comment you can just ask me not to give you a letter, cause if I do I will be looking for your ten favorite things. 😉

I was assigned the letter R by Jamelah.
Jamelah, who if you don’t follow her blog you totally should cause she’s insanely hilarious. Well at least I think so, assigned me the letter R I “met”/discovered Jamelah online through www.flickr.com & now (ok this is only my second year) we do Valentine’s Day Swaps in a mail swap she helps coordinate.

So here are ten of my favorite things that start with the letter R:

1.) Railroad tracks! I love shooting on them ..I have shot everything except for a child session on tracks.

2.) Rabbits- not the fuzzy kind. I’m more of a top down VW 1984 Rabbit kinda girl. 🙂 Can anyone guess why?

3.) Randomness. I have many random thoughts & say even more random stuff and usually during a fun shoot I will try random stuff and take note of what works and what doesn’t.

4.) Raspberry flavored lipgloss, well actually pretty much any flavor but i needed an R starting flavor

5.) Recycling. Honestly I recycle lots of things: glass jars, water bottles, vintage clothing aka found at the back of my closet, magazines, my favorite thing to recycle might be empty MAC lipstick and eyeshadow containers because you can take in your empties and turn them into new ones. 😉

6.) Reading. I’m currently reading the 4th book involving a love triangle between a vampire, werewolf & a dumb girl.

7.) Records!! oh how I miss good old records, now referred to as vinyls. My first Record ever was Donna Summer’s Hot Stuff album. Yikes did i just age myself? I was very very young btw.

8.) Robes the fluffy kind that keep you warm.

9.) the “Rat Pack” and all things of that era. Who doesn’t

10.) Rainbows!! I don’t see them too often around here but when I do I always stare and stare.

As no post is complete without a picture, here is one. Can you guess why I love this one so much.