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I Love San Francisco!

I know I’ve said it before but I LOVE San Francisco. I take many leisurely strolls throughout SF always trying to pick a new way to explore between destinations. I enjoy these walks because it gives me a chance to try a new approach to my photography. I challenge myself to not dismiss anything as […]

(one of my) homes away from home! {San Francisco, CA}

Ah San Francisco! What a great city. So diverse, with it’s many pockets of neighborhoods. It’s always been one of my favorite cities, and I truly enjoy walking around and discovering new sights. Do you have a San Francisco spot I should check out? Let me know in the comments and possibly I will post […]

iPhone the new Polaroid …sorta

Ok not even close. However when you are suddenly inspired it’s not a bad alternative and it makes calls most of the time. Hey Apple –ATT can you please fix the dropped calls issue. It’s bad especially when it drops right as I’m driving past Apple headquarters in Cupertino , CA. But that is a […]