Over the Winter holidays my friend Rachel went on a trip across the country with her boyfriend & dog. They visited his family, hers and a bunch of stuff in between.

When they embarked on their trip home… Life had changed! They were no longer a girlfriend, a boyfriend & a dog…..
They were now an Engaged couple and a dog!!!!


After many years of living so close yet so far, and hearing such great stories about this Jeff guy I finally met him. And seriously, I immediately saw why she fell in Love. He’s an awesome guy!!

We spent the day being tourists and they put up with me stopping to look at stuff, load film, and wait for just the right moment. However today I will not share any of those images. Because today is to show off this Newly engaged couple and showcase the man who makes my friend Smile so Big she gives Kool Aid guy a run for his money!!!

Congratulations Rachel & Jeff!!!!

San Francisco, ca, Being in Love

Come back tomorrow for my tourist pictures!