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I am thankful for so many things it would take a million years to list. In summary my family (who puts up with my craziness), my health ( I can still eat seconds of dessert and for that i am SUPER DOOPER thankful), my job which is so fun it’s hard to call a job and for my clients. They are all awesome and have shared so much with me!

Thank you!!

Here is a family to whom I am thankful to.

I met them at a wedding I shot this past summer. She was a bridesmaid. And as fall began I was honored to shoot her whole family and I fell in love with their little cutie pie.

During the session I saw how much they love their daughter. They demonstrated concern (she fell in her new shoes), love ( lots of kisses)

and the hardest thing a parent can do: to let go and know a child will succeed on their own. OK I’m dramatic here but seriously they let this cutie run around and have fun, giving her enough space to explore and even taste a little dirt. 😉

All while being close by in case she needed a helping hand.

Isn’t her wavy hair precious?

Can’t wait to see this cutie pie again!!

Bye bye for now.