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I always say I love my life, my family & those I choose as my family–> My Friends!

I received an email from a college friend I haven’t seen in years, seriously I’m not kidding YEARS, telling me her & her husband were coming to San Francisco. I was so overly excited I couldn’t wait to see her!

Aren’t they an absolutely cute couple?

I snuck away form work to have lunch with them on their last day in town, as I sent them off to the Castro. Later we met again and headed out to North Beach to do some touristy stuff. UM ok I am the worst tourist in San Francisco. Absolutely oblivious to the tourist sites, so when I notice one it’s typically in a pictures I’ve taken where the people are the focus. OOPS! But this time I was better I noticed the  Trans America Building seen far off in the Financial district.

Regardless we had a blast! Grabbed some beers at an Irish pub O’Reilly’s and then headed to my beloved Steps of Rome. All found in North Beach, San Francisco.

Evelyn & Omar I can’t wait to see you again! Next time we will even squeeze in more photos!!  Hasta Pronto!!!

If you are coming to San Francisco and would like me to document your day as you are a tourist here, drop me a note! I would love to spend the day with you!!!