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Sneak Peek: Engaged!!! {San Francisco, CA}

The last few days have been absolutely GORGEOUS in San Francisco! It’s been sunny & warm but this couple brought humor & lots of love the city with the red bridge!! Being the tease that I can be…. You get one image today and a promise of  tons more to come!

Miguel + Elda + Love = Beautiful wedding {Soledad, CA}

This post will be bilingual.Like the couple & the photographer! Esta historia sera bi-lingue. Como la pareja y la fotographa. When I first met with this couple I immediately knew I wanted to shoot their wedding and was so excited! Not only are they super nice and great looking but also the bride knew and […]

Amy & Wayne: The Wedding!

Hello all! This post is a little long. It will have lots of words and lots of images and 3 slide shows at the end. Please be patient it might take longer to load than usual. So first I will show you what is possibly my FAVORITE image from whole day. I have known Amy..my […]

Doug & Grace: Congratulations!!!

I know you have been on your edge of your seats! Ever since the sneak peek. This couple was a blast during their engagement session! I knew without a doubt they would be just as fun to be around on their wedding day. This might be my favorite image from the day. and I LOOOVED […]

Sneak Peek! Doug & Grace: the Wedding

Hello! Memorial day has never been so much fun for me! I had an amazing wedding at a GORGEOUS venue yesterday. However today you guys will only get a sneak peek, which everyone always tells me is such a TEASE. ;-P Doug & Grace are so awesome! I feel like I have known them my […]