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Film Friday + Sneak Peek = Coming soon…Wayne & Amy

I must start this post by saying… I LOVE MY JOB!!! If you follow me on twitter or facebook you already heard this a million times this week. If you don’t follow me yet– What are you waiting for?? ;-P This is such a super dooper sneak peek. I have tons of stuff to blog […]

Film Friday: New York 35mm

I’m sure you will have noticed, if you are a regular follower of my blog that I LOVE NEW YORK!! The below images were taken back in October 2008 when I went to NY for the Lucie Awards. Who incidentally are hosting Month of Photography in LA. So if you are in the Los Angeles […]

Film Friday.. Best co-worker EVER!

I am soo behind in blogging. I am soooo sorry. I’ve been crazy busy shooting & working on the business side of things. A thousand apologies. I will be posting so much in the next few days- you guys might get sick of me. Today I leave you with only one image of the best […]

Film Friday

This weekend is Mexica New Year and as such I thought I would post some images from last year’s event. I went briefly at the end of the celebration and braved the hail to capture a few images. Hopefully this weekend the event will be blessed with nicer weather. What is Mexica New Year? It […]

Don’t forget to say Thank You!

Hi everyone just want to let everyone know I’m alive. I’ve been so crazy busy ( in a good way) as well as sick ( in a bad way). Stay tuned I will be over blogging in the next few days! So much has been going on. All good , well except for the sick […]

Film Friday

You are born into your family. No matter how far you may move they are still your family. True friends are the same way, regardless how far you live from each other they are still your friends, and even better these friends are the Family YOU CHOSE. I developed a roll of film this week, […]