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I love film!

I used to post Film Fridays .. then I fell off that wagon.. Today isn’t Friday but it is Film !! And from gorgeous San Francisco! I used Kodak 400 for these. I love shooting in San Francisco because it gives me the opportunity to be a tourist, and look at it in all it’s […]

How do you maintain your love for Photography…

and not let it turn into a job you hate? I’ve been asked this on numerous occasions. It’s true sometimes when you take something you love to do and turn it into a job you can become “over it” fast. I personally have kept my love of photography by always taking time to shoot for […]

Film Friday! It’s back!!

Hi All! Film Friday took a little vacation..he he ..but It’s back! I’ve mentioned a gazillion times and I’m sure I will mention a gazillion more I LOVE Polaroids!I’m very sad though…my stock has depleted tremendously. And with this whole thing of it’s almost extinct I will be shooting less and less Polaroids. So each […]

Film Friday! More Springtime Love ..

If you follow my blog you already know that I love Polaroid film. You might also be aware that the company Polaroid decided to stop manufacturing this film in Feb 2008. Sadly it is quickly disappearing. There are still a few boxes left out there and they have quickly gone from $13 a box (10 […]

Film Friday: Happy Memorial Day!

Have a great weekend everyone! Get outside and enjoy the sun & all the beauty such as these two plants wildly growing outside of my house.

Film Friday! Springtime

It’s been gorgeous in the Bay Area these past few weeks! Luckily for me I’ve been all over it in client meetings, and shoots! I’ve snuck in some personal work in between. Here are a few scanned in images taken with my Pentax. Apologies for the dust specks. San Francisco, taken on different days: Did […]