I remember being a kid and only wanting to play with the teenagers and then as a teenager wanting to be 18 and then 21. My dad used to say “cual es la prisa?” (what’s the hurry?) I didn’t get it waaaay back then.
I have known Angela since she was a freshman in high school. Coincidentally the same high school I went to Notre Dame San Jose, although she’s a few years younger than me.
I have known Jose since they were dating still in their teens.
Together they have become a couple I admire. They are not only awesome husband & wife but also fantastic friends and amazing parents!!
Angela asked me to photograph their 10 year annivesery/family portraits with their not quite 1 year old back in November 2007. Which also happens to be when I first started blogging. Since then I have seen that little girl go from being the baby of the family to an older sister, who is learning to share and look out for this new being.
As an older sister myself, I can tell you sharing isn’t the easiest thing to have to do after a few years of everything being “mine only”. 😉
Each new session, I want to hold time still and tell these two little girls Don’t grow up so quickly!