Cal Berkeley Class of 2013! {graduation portrait photography}
This young lady has worked very hard to reach her goal! In just a few short weeks she will be walking across the stage to receive her diploma from CAL Berkeley! Congratulations! A full post coming next week! If you would like to book your graduation portraits, contact me there is still time!!!
Seeing how happy Rachel is makes me even happier!
Over the Winter holidays my friend Rachel went on a trip across the country with her boyfriend & dog. They visited his family, hers and a bunch of stuff in between. When they embarked on their trip home… Life had changed! They were no longer a girlfriend, a boyfriend & a dog….. They were now […]
Sneak Peek: Love is in Full Bloom! {San Jose, CA couple’s photographer}
How do I get so lucky to have such Awesome Couples to photograph! Did I mention this was shot on film!!!!!
Sneak Peek: infant toes {San Jose Family Photographer}
Love in it’s Purest form
Happy Birthday Mari! {San Francisco portrait session}
I was asked to wait to post this session until after Mari’s birthday party- she wanted to keep her dress a surprise.I always wait to post sessions as requested by clients so mean while, I’ve been sooo excited to post Mari’s Quinceaños (15 years) session. We hung out in San Francisco to shoot her session, […]
Sneak Peek: Quinceañera – Maribel
This was such an amazing session! And it’s just in time for FAT TUESDAY!!! I had so much fun running around San Francisco. I would LOVE to show you all the images but there are SOOOOOOO many that I am going to need to break it up into a couple of posts. I would also […]